ITASC $ rm '-z' rm: illegal option -- z usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... unlink fileSimple: use the
to depict dashes:
./CustomFunctions/.classpath ./-z tibco@pghdbeengl01:~/build $ rm ./-*
Rants and ravings of a semi-autistic developer who has a hard time remembering idiotic nonsense details. Why remember it, when you know where to find it.
ITASC $ rm '-z' rm: illegal option -- z usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... unlink fileSimple: use the
to depict dashes:
./CustomFunctions/.classpath ./-z tibco@pghdbeengl01:~/build $ rm ./-* 2 - - [17/Apr/2012:08:52:32 -0400] "GET /EASE/admin/login.jsf HTTP/1.1" 302 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0"So here the regex to parse this...
my $expression = qr/([0-9\.]+)\s+\d*\s?\-\s\-\s\[(\d+)\/(\w{3})\/(\d{4}):(\d+):.*\s[-+]\d+\]\s\"(POST|GET)\s(.+)\sHTTP\/(\d.\d)\"\s(\d{3})\s(\d+|-)\s\"(\S+)\"\s\"(.+)\"/x; my ( $all, $ip, $dayofmonth, $month, $year, $hourofday, $reqtype, $req, $protocol, $response, $size, $ref, $agent ) = @rec = $_ =~ /($expression)/i;Here an example of yet another parser implementation of apache logs... that greps all the POST and GET's
use Data::Dumper; use Text::Table; sub line { my $x = shift; $x = $x ? $x : $W; for ( 1 .. $x ) { print "-"; } print "\n"; } BEGIN { our $W = 70; %row = (); print "\n\n"; line($W); printf "[%-35s]\n", $ARGV[$cc]; line($W); $cc++; } my @rec =(); my $expression = qr/([0-9\.]+)\s+\d*\s?\-\s\-\s\[(\d+)\/(\w{3})\/(\d{4}):(\d+):.*\s[-+]\d+\]\s\"(POST|GET)\s(.+)\sHTTP\/(\d.\d)\"\s(\d{3})\s(\d+|-)\s\"(\S+)\"\s\"(.+)\"/x; my ( $all, $ip, $dayofmonth, $month, $year, $hourofday, $reqtype, $req, $protocol, $response, $size, $ref, $agent ) = @rec = $_ =~ /($expression)/i; #print $dayofmonth, "\n"; if ($!) { my ($approot) = $req =~ m!^\/(\w+)\/.*$!x; my ($refhost) = $ref =~ m!https?\:\/\/([a-z.]+)\/.+!x; my $v = sprintf "%s %s, %s", $month, $dayofmonth, $year; $row{$response}{'byreq'}{$v}{$req}++; my $hkey = sprintf "%s-%s", $approot, $refhost; my $dkey = sprintf "%s-%s", $hourofday,$hkey; #print Dumper(\@rec); #die "deeeee", $v; $row{$response}{'byreqref'}{$v}{$req}{$ref}++; $row{$response}{'byhodreq'}{$v}{$hourofday}++; $row{$response}{'byipsub'}{$v}{$ip}++; $row{$response}{'bycontext'}{$v}{$approot}++; $row{$response}{'byrefhost'}{$v}{$hkey}++; $row{$response}{'byrefhosthod'}{$v}{$dkey}++; } else { print "skiping $_\n"; }