Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Eclipse 4.5 - Mars - OSX - can't open my workspace - not responding

Try starting it with -clean, if that doesn't work 
try deleting .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/ contents.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Inspecting TIBCO BE and BW ear files after build ear or studio tools

[ ! -f "${1}" ] && echo "$0: missing archive as argument." && exit 1;
[ -d ./ear ] && rm -fr ./ear
mkdir ear
cd ear
unzip ../${1}
unzip *.ear
mkdir sar par lib bar
cd $CWD/par
[ -f ../*.par ] && unzip ../*.par
cd $CWD/sar
[ -f ../*.sar ] && unzip ../*.sar
cd $CWD/bar
[ -f ../be.jar ] && unzip ../be.jar
cd $CWD/lib
[ -f ../lib.zip ] && unzip ../lib.zip