Friday, February 24, 2017

Remove arbitrary columns from text lines with perl and splice

Probably not the shorted ... remove the 9th and 0th column from an ls with perl and splice
find . -type f -ls | sort -k11 | perl -ne '@x=split;splice @x,9,1;splice @x,0,1; print join("\t", @x), "\n";' | tail 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Moving one git repository to another git repository host

You can refer to the GitHub page "Duplicating a repository"
It uses:
That would give:
git clone --mirror
# Make a bare mirrored clone of the repository

cd repository-to-mirror.git
git remote set-url --push origin
# Set the push location to your mirror

git push --mirror

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jenkins / CloudBees : moving jobs between servers .... how ...

 curl -s | curl -X POST '' --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @-
Get the API token on the target machine (in this case
- Open browser and login on target machine
- hit the API TOKEN button
If you want to directly copy to a folder do this ...
curl -s | \
curl -X POST '' --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @-
or if you have a list of them ....
declare -a arr=(

## now loop through the above array
for i in "${arr[@]}"
    curl -s$i/config.xml | curl -X POST "$i" --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @-
   # or do whatever with individual element of the array