Components we have ...
[1] one grid - with table of query results
[2] one form - for details when row is selected in the grid
[3] one check - box
The check box 'Incl' will apply a filter based on the checked value. If you selected a record and show it in the form there will be an error occuring on the handler when using the filtering on the store like this.
}, {
xtype : 'checkbox',
boxLabel : 'Incl. Archive',
handler : function(_old, _new) {
var filter = {};
var _store_ = Ext.getStore('GridStore');
// release any loaded record bound to form.
if (!_new) {
filter = { property : 'my_field', value : { '!=' : 'ARC'}};
else {
TypeError: record is undefined
createRelayer()ext-all-debug.js (line 11282)
fire()ext-all-debug.js (line 9677)
continueFireEvent(eventName="selectionchange", args=[Object { events={...}, views=[1], modes={...}, more...}, []], bubbles=undefined)ext-all-debug.js (line 11035)
fireEventArgs(eventName="selectionchange", args=[Object { events={...}, views=[1], modes={...}, more...}, []])ext-all-debug.js (line 11013)
fireEvent(eventName="selectionchange")ext-all-debug.js (line 10999)
maybeFireSelectionChange(fireEvent=true)ext-all-debug.js (line 92334)
doDeselect(records=[Object { raw={...}, modified={...}, data={...}, more...}], suppressEvent=undefined)ext-all-debug.js (line 92269)
deselect(records=Object { raw={...}, modified={...}, data={...}, more...}, suppressEvent=undefined)ext-all-debug.js (line 92155)
handler(_old=Object { xtype="checkbox", boxLabel="Incl. Archive", initialConfig={...}, more...},
The reason is that the form will "
hold" the record that was selected in the grid. To solve this we need to
deselect the record, but that's not all. We also need to prevent the '
selectionchange' event from occurring, hence suspending the events on the selection model would also need to be applied.
The new handler code for the checkbox is:
handler : function(_old, _new) {
var filter = {};
var _store_ = Ext.getStore('TerritoryAddressStore');
// release any loaded record bound to form.
if (!_new) {
filter = { property : 'my_field', value : { '!=' : 'ARC'}};
else {