Friday, August 17, 2012

Quick Ref

print AdminConfig.attributes('Application')
List Enterprise Applications
print AdminConfig.list('ApplicationDeployment') - EAR level

List Contents in Enterprise Applications
print AdminConfig.list('WebModuleDeployment') - WAR level

Print the first application name
obj=AdminControl.completeObjectName(app) - Getting the object

The following commands are available for the AdminConfig object:

* attributes
* checkin
* convertToCluster
* create
* createClusterMember
* createDocument
* createUsingTemplate
* defaults
* deleteDocument
* existsDocument
* extract
* getCrossDocumentValidationEnabled
* getid
* getObjectName
* getSaveMode
* getValidationLevel
* getValidationSeverityResult
* hasChanges
* help
* installResourceAdapter
* list
* listTemplates
* modify
* parents
* queryChanges
* remove
* required
* reset
* save
* setCrossDocumentValidationEnabled
* setSaveMode
* setValidationLevel
* show
* showall
* showAttribute
* types
* uninstallResourceAdapter
* validate

The following commands are available for the AdminApp object:

* deleteUserAndGroupEntries
* edit
* editInteractive
* export
* exportDDL
* getDeployStatus
* help
* install
* installInteractive
* isAppReady
* list
* listModules
* options
* publishWSDL
* searchJNDIReferences
* taskInfo
* uninstall
* update
* updateAccessIDs
* updateInteractive
* view

The following commands are available for the AdminControl object:

* completeObjectName
* getAttribute
* getAttribute_jmx
* getAttributes
* getAttributes_jmx
* getCell
* getConfigId
* getDefaultDomain
* getDomainName
* getHost
* getMBeanCount
* getMBeanInfo_jmx
* getNode
* #rxml_admincontrol__cmd14
* getPort
* getPropertiesForDataSource (Deprecated)
* getType
* help
* invoke
* invoke_jmx
* isRegistered
* isRegistered_jmx
* makeObjectName
* #rxml_admincontrol__cmd24
* queryNames
* queryNames_jmx
* reconnect
* setAttribute
* setAttribute_jmx
* setAttributes
* setAttributes_jmx
* startServer
* stopServer
* testConnection
* trace

The following AdminTask commands are available but do not belong to a group:

* createServerType
* createTCPEndPoint
* getTCPEndPoint
* help
* listSSLRepertoires
* listTCPEndPoints
* listTCPThreadPools
* updateAppOnCluster

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